5th MRS-APSCVIR IR Workshop

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  • 5th MRS-APSCVIR IR Workshop


By Dr Benjamin Kuo

The 5th Myanmar Radiological Society (MRS)-APSCVIR Interventional Radiology Workshop was held on 14-15th January 2020 at Yangon Specialist Hospital and 17th January 2020 at Mandalay General Hospital.

This is part of the outreach programme initiative to promote and provide education in Interventional Radiology (IR) in the Asia Pacific region where IR is less developed. Now in its fifth year, the workshop continues to engage the entire MRS community as well as attract internationally established faculty from both SIR and CIRSE.

Figure 1 Faculty from APSCVIR, Faculty Host from MRS, Visiting Faculty from CIRSE and SIR at YSH

The objectives this year were threefold

Update Myanmar IR colleagues on the latest in the field especially in conditions relevant to their practice

Engage current Myanmar radiology residents who otherwise would not have exposure to IR

Initiate effort to bolster IR knowledge among other medical specialties

APSCVIR, CIRSE, and SIR faculty together with local faculty from MRS conducted the workshops, which comprised talks on basic and advanced IR topics, three live cases, and engaged residents with breakout sessions. For the first time, there was a research poster competition.

The faculty included:


  1. Dr Yasuaki Arai – Tokyo, Japan
  2. Dr Joseph Yun Hwan Kim – Korea
  3. Dr Je Hwan Won – Korea
  4. Dr Tan Bien Peng – Singapore
  5. Dr Tan Bien Soo – Singapore


  1. Dr Robert Morgan – UK


  1. Dr Laura Findleiss – USA
  2. Dr Charles Ray – USA

We were honoured by the participation of Dr Findleiss, President of SIR, Dr Ray, a Past President of SIR, and Dr Morgan, Immediate Past President of CIRSE.

The format for the programme comprised the following:

IR Lecture Topics: Emergency IR, IR in the management of HCC, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Biliary Disease and Renal conditions.

Live Cases: Three live cases were demonstrated with live stream to the conference room. Live cases included TACE for HCC, Femoral Angioplasty, Percutaneous Thrombectomy and Angioplasty for dialysis access thrombosis.

Figure 2 Live Case by Dr. Robert Morgan and Moderated by Dr. Tan Bien Soo

Breakout sessions: Three breakout stations were held demonstrating catheters/wires/balloons, biopsy and drainages, and ablations to engage current radiology residents.

Figure 3 Breakout Group Session on Radiofrequency Ablation using Cow Liver by Dr. Joseph Kim
Figure 4 Breakout Group Session on Ultrasound Guided Biopsy by Dr Yasuaki Arai
Figure 5 Breakout Group Session on Ultrasound Guidance by Dr. Charles Ray and Dr. Tan Bien Peng
Figure 6 Breakout Group Session on Catheters and Guide Wires by Dr. Je Hwan Won

The outreach programme continued with a single day event in Mandalay General Hospital on Friday 17th January 2020. Our Myanmar colleagues, including MRS President Prof Khin Lay Su accompanied APSCVIR and SIR faculty to Mandalay. The Mandalay program featured similar lecture topics and breakout sessions.

Figure 7 Group Photo upon Arrival at Mandalay Airport

The 5th MRS-APSCVIR Workshop was again enthusiastically attended and well received. The introduction of the breakout sessions and continuation of live cases were among the highlights of this year’s programme. Planning for the 2021 program and new initiatives are already underway to further strengthen IR capacity in Myanmar and to further grow IR outreach initiatives in this field and region.

Figure 8 Visit to Hsinbyume Pagoda near Mandalay

The objectives this year were threefold

Myanmar Radiological Society

Staff of Yangon Specialty Hospital, Mandalay General Hospital and the Ministry of Health, Myanmar

Our radiological colleagues from Myanmar

Faculty of the workshop representing MRS, APSCVIR, SIR & CIRSE

Industry partners who supported the initiative

Initiate effort to bolster IR knowledge among other medical specialties