APSCVIR 2019 Summary
Organizing Chairman of 14th APSCVIR 2019

The 14th Annual Scientific Meeting of APSCVIR took place in Bali – Indonesia from 21st to 24th February 2019. The meeting was truly academic feast with exciting simultaneous three and half days schedule in 46 Scientific Sessions covering latest updates in the field of intervention radiology. Presented by 120 world class international and regional faculties who’s sharing their perspective and newest experiences to approximately 300 delegates from Interventional Radiology associations across Asia Pacific region.
Total 143 Free Papers for 43 Orals, 77 E-Posters, and 9 Walking Posters -were presented during the meeting, showing great works and interests from the young interventional radiologists who’re coming a long way to Bali with full of enthusiasm.
We were also pleased to continue APSCVIR collaboration with other global societies through joint sessions with CIRSE, SIR, SIO, SPIR, and ISVIR. The global society’s strong support to 14th APSCVIR 2019 Bali was greatly appreciated, providing plenty of opportunities to interact and strengthen network between societies.
20 Exhibitors and 9 Industry Sessions during the 14th APSCVIR 2019 was indicating significant supports from the industry to APSCVIR. We are grateful for this mutual collaboration to promote the latest science and technology of Interventional Radiology, raising awareness amongst doctors, scientists and other allied healthcare professionals in this exciting field.
Bali is more than a place; its mood; an aspiration. The enchanting social programs including Presidential Dinner and Cultural Fest Gala Dinner would be our memorable moments of 14th APSCVIR 2019 Bali. During the Cultural Fest Gala Dinner, it was our honor to present the 2019 Gold Medalist Award for three exceptional APSCVIR members; Professor Abdul Samad Bin Sakijan from Malaysia, Professor Teng Gao Jun from China, and Professor Masatoshi Okazaki from Japan. The awarding of three APSCVIR Honorary Members also took place at Cultural Fest Gala Dinner and awarded to Prof. Jim Reekers, Prof. Ziv Haskal, and Prof. Brian Stainken for their extraordinary support and outstanding contribution to the discipline of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology.
In addition, the 3 Best Free Paper Orals and the top 3 of Best Poster Presenters rewarded during the Cultural Fest Gala Dinner. The 14th APSCVIR 2019 also continues its tradition to encourage Young IR’s below the age of 40 years from the developing IR countries through APSCVIR 2019 Scholarship. 15 Young IR were selected this year and granted of SGD 1000 grant each to attend 14th APSCVIR 2019 Bali.
The 14th APSCVIR 2019 would not have been the same without each one of you. Hopefully, that you will keep wonderful memories of our meeting in Bali, the island of Gods. Together we will continue this ongoing effort to uplifting level of clinical practice and research of Cardiovascular & Interventional Radiology in Asia Pacific region.
Thank you for attending APSCVIR 2019 Bali and see you in 15th APSCVIR 2020 Taiwan.